Single Knee Replacement

Knee Surgery

Single Knee Replacement in Chennai

Single knee replacement is a partial knee replacement done when you get damage to a knee from osteoarthritis. Only the damaged part of the knee is replaced and is being done for quick pain relief and to recover pain. This treatment of partial knee replacement is an alternative to total knee replacement. Some people have been damaged and confined to a particular knee. In this partial knee replacement, the damaged part of the knee cartilage replaces with prosthesis. After this surgery, the patient may walk unaided in less than 24 hours and be able to use stairs in 1 day but has the ability to manage the daily household activities. In general prospects, patient tends to undergo non-operative treatments that encompass activity modification, anti-inflammation medications, and knee joint injections.

Knee Replacement Surgery In Chennai
Procedure for Partial Knee Replacement
  • Your surgeon will use special saws to remove the cartilage from the damaged knee.
  • Measure your bone and implant metal. The surgeon replaces the removed cartilage and bone with metal coverings that recreate the surfaces of the joint.
  • Insert a spacer-surgeon places a plastic between the two metal components to create a smooth gliding surface
Symptoms of Single-Knee Replacement
  • Quick recovery
  • Less pain
  • Minimum loss of blood loss
  • Lower risk of infection and blood clots

After this surgery, you move to the recovery room. Often get closely monitored by the nurse as you recover from the anesthesia. Once have a visit to Dr. Vivek and get knee with healthy and stable.